Self-Flagellation & Non-Compliance Notice

……. well after my last blog ”he who must be obeyed”   got his legal team to talk to my legal team saying my blogs are upsetting people…….. sob…. sob….sob…..

After several weeks of self-flagellation….. the Mammy is back.

Autism Initiatives is a big agency throughout the UK and Northern Ireland, it’s run by the same person Chief Executive Andy Grainger the same person who is involved with the running of Liverpool Autism Initiatives which the mainman attended and received his injuries.

An unannounced inspection of Autism Initiatives *Mary Murray House*  Northern Ireland was undertaken on 23rd July 2014 as a result of a whistle-blower.

They found that they did not have the suitable qualified – competent and experience staff to meet the needs of the clients.

The inspection identified significant concerns relating to unsafe care and restrictive practices.  As a direct consequences of the inspection by the RQIA – Autism Initiatives were served with  a non compliance notice to cancel the registration meaning they could no longer provide a service.

Bringing this back to the Mainman ……… we now know the member of staff who was with the Mainman when he received his injuries had received no training – and only because of a court order/penal notice [2014] that the  training records were released to my solicitor did we find this out………..the Mainman received his injuries February 2013……

My blogs have upset people – the only people who are mad at the Mammy for writing the blogs are those people who have been deliberately obstructive – they thought the Mainman and the Mammy not worthy of the truth.

……. and to those who may read this and you know who you are ”the things you say about others says a lot about you”……….

Mammy and the Mainman wish you all a Wonderful Christmas X


*RQIA – [England’s CQC]

*All the RQIA reports for Autism Initiatives are on line.

*I would like to thank my friends in Northern Ireland  bringing this to my attention.


Click to access 2012Apr17_NofD_GGreenan1.pdf




About Joedd

Mammy & Guru to the Mainman - Unpaid Carer Activist - Campaigner for Disabled Rights - Warrior Queen & Mna Feasa -
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5 Responses to Self-Flagellation & Non-Compliance Notice

  1. Pingback: Self-Flagellation & Non-Compliance Notice | For Love of the Mainman……

  2. Pingback: Self-Flagellation & Non-Compliance Notice | For Love of the Mainman……

  3. Wirral In It Together says:

    Great work. Remarkable, inspirational achievements, despite the hurt you must have been feeling for so long. And so gracious of you to wish your dumb, bullying, power abusing assailants a Merry Christmas !!


  4. Blessings and good wishes to you. You are an amazing person xx


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